Survivors of sexual assault are often times accused of lying if they
fail to follow particular procedures in a timely manner after they've
been raped. We have seen this time and time again. I'm referring to
those rape claims where a survivor is doubted and scrutinized if their
actions don't fit the criteria of rational behavior. When a survivors
story doesn't seem to add up or if law enforcement isn't contacted
immediately the red flags are thrown. Several
investigations have ended prematurely once a victim fails to remember
specifics or if an attempt to contact the accused is discovered.
Intimate partner violence is rarely considered especially when survivors
contact the accused to gain closure afterwards. The truth is most
survivors don't remember details or behave in a manner that most would
perceive as logical. You know why? Well it's probably because they were
raped, violated, traumatized. Are people regularly trained to handle the
psychological effects of sexual assault? No they're not and they
shouldn't be. It is not the survivors responsibility to equip themselves
so they can be "The Perfect Victim" Sexual assault is a traumatic
experience that leaves a person disoriented, shocked, repulsed, unable
to trust and left searching for answers at times. they may prefer to be
alone or forget that it happened so their mind can recover from the
nightmare. Has it ever crossed your mind that survivors may need time to
heal. The mind and body are connected in a manner that leaves a victim
disoriented after a violation of this magnitude occurs. facts are
distorted, the order of events changes but some parts are clear as day.
None of this seems rational but then again it shouldn't be. That's why
it is necessary for people to remove any expectations of how survivors
should feel, act, or what they should do. When you set these types of
expectations responsibility is being placed on the victim instead of
those who violated them. Instead, look at the person who is being
accused of raping another human being if you wish to focus on irrational
behavior or analyze ones psychological state. Rape is far from rational
so why would anyone expect the victim to behave in a rational manner??
makes no sense. Rape is far from perfect which is why this expectation
of a perfect victim is insane and until you realize this, you are part
of the problem.
visit TheresNoPerfectVictim + iStandWithJackie both facebook pages i created which were inspired by twitter campaigns to #EndCampusRape along with addressing the prevalence of sexual violence & intimate partner violence in our culture. Special thanks to Wagatwe Sara Wanjuki & Julie Zeilinger creators of #TheresNoPerfectVictim hashtag for targeting this "Perfect Victim" narrative.
visit TheresNoPerfectVictim + iStandWithJackie both facebook pages i created which were inspired by twitter campaigns to #EndCampusRape along with addressing the prevalence of sexual violence & intimate partner violence in our culture. Special thanks to Wagatwe Sara Wanjuki & Julie Zeilinger creators of #TheresNoPerfectVictim hashtag for targeting this "Perfect Victim" narrative.